Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A New Relationship

Relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

It is time for a new relationship for all humanity. It is time that humanity, in general, discovers, or perhaps I should say, remembers, what it means to have a true relationship. There is no disconnection in a true relationship. If you are fighting with your lover, your spouse, your family member, or your "brother" in another country across some imaginary border, then you are not connected. If you could find connection, there would be understanding, compassion, love and truth. Animosity, greed, jealousy, hatred, these things cannot exist in such a climate. The light of truth would swallow them whole and leave only love.

In times where families, both physical and spiritual, are coming together in ways this planet has not seen in some time, I hereby open myself and my family to you and yours, whomever or wherever you may be. There is much work to be done on this planet right now, and if we did nothing more than encourage and lovingly support one another energetically, we would all have much to gain from such a relationship. The rest of our world would have much to gain. If we can serve you and your family in this work, know that we are open. I know that we could serve you if you are so inclined to accept.

I expect nothing and am willing to give everything as it pertains to helping myself and the people of this world evolve to a higher consciousness. If you are reading this, then I will assume that I should expect that same feeling from you, as you were drawn to read this for reasons of your own. It just felt like the perfect time to share my thoughts. In, fact, I know that now is always the perfect time. It can be no other way. So, to my friends and family, and to friends and family I have yet to meet, take care, be strong, and know that I reserve a place for you and your family to join me and my family so that we may exponentially expand our awareness to those things beyond our current dimension, expand our feelings and knowings of purest love, and expand our reach and capacity to help others do the same.

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