Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thank you!...No! Thank You!

Like everything here, this is for me in the hope that you glean something for you by peeking in to my world. Having said that, and realizing that it sounds contradictory, this is for Filippo. Thank you, my beautiful friend.

"Thank you." No. Thank you.
'But I meant that. I really wanted to thank you.'

Thank you for being here.
Thank you for your warmth, your generosity, your light.
Thank you for allowing me to play in your world for even a moment.
Thank you for accepting me just like this. I didn't even have to change anything.
Thank you for laughing with me.
Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for touching my heart.
Thank you for opening my eyes.
Thank you for changing my life today.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for caring enough to allow me this space.
Thank you for creating magic in my presence.
Thank you for invoking a beautiful spirit.
Thank you for helping me. You did see that you helped me, right?
Thank you for sharing the gift of you.
Thank you for allowing me to pass that gift on to others in my path.
Thank you for being the sweetest person I met today.
Thank you for holding a space of safety and love for me here.
Thank you for this moment.
Thank you for being the divine channel of light, love, hope, faith, charity, peace and well being that you are.

What a simple "thank you" contains is never as simple as the words themselves. We must acknowledge the right of our fellow human beings to implement one of the most efficient and vital tools in vibrational resonance that we have available to us. Gratitude. Say "your welcome" when someone bestows a "thank you" upon your head, and then you can thank them, in turn, if you like. Receiving thanks is just as important as giving thanks. So share the wealth.