Dear reader,
I said this in my last post at the end, but this time I feel it is of the utmost importance to preface this post. This is written to me, to serve as a reminder of the things to which I aspire to adhere in my life. When I say we or you, it makes no difference, it is the same in my view. I pray that it touches you in some way as well.
It was in the Battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil War in 1864 that Admiral David G. Farragut, a commander for the Union forces uttered the famous line, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" (You can click on the title if you want a short history lesson.)
So, it's 2009. 2009 seems strange to say still so early in the year, at least to me thus far. But I find 2009 to be compelling me in a way that no year has done in my life to this point. The phrase that keeps playing itself in my mind over and over like some broken record of a voice long past is, "Stand up!" And I say to you, that now is the time to stand up.
For those of you that enjoy this sort of thing, 2009 = 11. 11 is a Master Number that encompasses things like: illumination, spiritual awareness, vision, grace, high standards, humanitarianism and divine revelation.
I am feeling this is the year to stand up for these things in a way that we have never done before. It is time to stand up and own who we are. Not who we wish ourselves to be, not who we wish we were more like, not that illusion that you keep playing over and over again in your head and your dreams at night that you continually persevere to convince yourself is the truth. I am talking about you. The truth. YOU. That person that you see when all the mind chatter calms itself for some brief moment and you glimpse that beautiful highest person that sits smiling back at you as if patiently waiting for their child to solve the puzzle that is already put together if they could just change their perspective and see the truth. That is who I mean. And now is the time.
We hold so much power, and we deny ourselves this power, and for what? Fear? You already know the quote from Nelson Mandela about our greatest fear not being that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. If you don't know this quote, please, do yourself a favor, find it on the internet, put somewhere you can reference frequently, and allow yourself to be touched by its power. Then, allow yourself the opportunity to fully explore the power you truly possess.
That being said, I am finished sitting on my hands waiting for some great epiphany or beam of light to shine down from the heavens and show me the true path. I am now proclaiming my willingness, my eagerness and my zeal to own my truth, regardless of the torpedoes that might lie in my path. I need nothing more. My heart, my integrity, my purpose and my desire to fulfill my mission will guide me on nothing less then the highest, most illuminating path I might follow. Listen to your heart! Your heart is your truth. Quiet yourself! Listen with intent, with desire, with a willingness to explore the truth no matter how much it may frighten you in your current state of evolution. Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!
Stand up and hold my hand. Let us stand together and for each other. Let us support one another with love and compassion and understanding. Let us find the way to bolster the pursuit of a higher calling for ourselves first, for then, and only then, can we support another. Jesus the Christ said to love your neighbor as yourself. I believe that many interpret that as putting others first, but Jesus the Christ did not live or love as we have come to live and love on this planet. His was said from a point of view of understanding pure, unadulterated energy and love for one's self. My beautiful friend says that we have to have a "selfish love" in order to truly love anyone else, and he is right. Only by truly and fully loving one's self first, can any of us expect to love another, whether it be a son, mother, father, husband, boyfriend or anyone. So, again, I call upon all of us to stand up!
The time has come. Either stand up or do not, the choice is always yours. You can hold my hand and the hands of those around you, or not. We will walk together, or we will walk separately and in different directions, or you could just choose to sit and wait. I, for one, am choosing to stand. I will walk this path. I pray that you will join. There is no more time that I care to waste. Damn the torpedoes! I want to go full speed ahead from now on.
Alex Award
5 years ago
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