Holy crap! What am I hearing right now?
You know, it's one thing to talk about the heart and soul and listening to what they have to say. It is something else entirely to actually take the time to do the listening. And to make matters even more interesting, you then have to assimilate that communication, digest it if you will, for sometimes it definitely seems to be a lot of chewing and swallowing, and then, no, you're not finished yet, then, you have to actually follow through with acting on that sustenance of wisdom and clarity that pours forth from the ethers, or heaven, or God, or whatever your source may be. So, it is not just the listening. It is the courage to pursue the path revealed that culminates in the final implementation and ultimate integration of what was heard.
What?! Yes, I know, I know that is a mouthful. And what is funny to me right now is that no words that I have in my current repertoire could fully explain the dizziness that this has shown me in my head of late. So, I feel happy to have even put that last paragraph together. Boy oh boy.
So, what else? My good buddy Will Shakes would certainly have dubbed this next bit "the rub". Patience is required to allow what needs to unfold, to actually unfold. Fortitude is required to not bow to the pressure and desire to force things, especially if you believe, as I currently do, that you have seen what is to be. Surrender is needed to release the need for control. Faith is needed to believe that all is as it should be, and that all will be as it will be for the highest good as we walk down this road. Quietude is required to maintain peace and serenity. Openness is required to allow the possibility that other doors, as of yet unforeseen, may open to lead down a higher and greater path. Oh, my goodness, I am fortune full!, to play on a phrase. And you thought all you had to do was have a decent set of ears to listen!
So, I listen. I eat. I absorb, assimilate, digest. I integrate, implement, work towards understanding. All to the best of my ability. Seconds? Oh, I'm still working on the firsts, thanks. I am listening. Believe that. My conclusion? My conclusion is that some things may change, but some things will not. I am just trying to listen to the truth. The truth that I know in this moment is that love is constant. Love is changeless. It is without constraint. It is limitless. Love has no boundaries, knows no space or time. I know that Love is redefining for me what is most important. Love just is. It needs no other clarification, description or label. I'm listening. I pray for the things I require to follow the call.
Alex Award
5 years ago
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