"Are you a free spirit?"
It was a rather innocuous inquiry, neither of us, particularly me, anticipating the vortex which it would create that would afterwards envelope me.
Yes. I am.
"What does that mean to you?"
That I dance in the magical flow of life.
The words were there. They didn't seem to be mine, but they certainly fell effortlessly from my lips. No hesitation, no thought. They were just there for me to use. I paused for a moment after speaking the words to soak in the ethereal magic from which those consonants and vowels had formed the syllables that seemed so simple and so poignantly epiphanic.
So, days later, I find myself reviewing the validity of that statement. It's true, I do indeed feel that I am dancing in the magical flow of this life. But how often am I truly allowing that magic to find me? And where and how often do I block that flow to my own detriment? That is the burning question that currently is my vortex of self-observation. Yes, I know it's a two-part question, but it's still a single concept that has me reeling in a spurt of growth, maturation, understanding and lessons of accepting fully the person I am in this moment. I find myself exploring the Good and Bad, or at least my interpretation of these labels we put upon the events of this life.
I love magic. David Copperfield, when I was younger. Some of Criss Angel's illusions are so good it almost weirds me out, but I still enjoy most of his work. A young man named Andy, maybe 12 years old, who hangs out at my local eatery and perfoms magic for the patrons is my new favorite. I can never see quite how he does what he does even when he does it a foot from my face. And while I relish in the magic Andy performs, the real Magic is in Andy's eyes, smile and heart. It seems especially easy for a 12 year old boy to dance in the magical flow of life, but a grown man or woman in their adulthood seems more of a stretch sometimes.
We all dance. You do too, adept or not, you and I are in constant flux with our environment, our loved ones, and everything in the universe. There are slow love songs, there are high energy club remixes, there are sad songs, and there are songs that seem to completely embody that perfect summer day by the lake when you first kissed a girl. Sometimes we lead, but how often are we led? There is a season for both to be sure. Force too much and you step on the toes of life. Resist too much and you may never leave the outside edge of the dance floor. Dance without awareness and you may crash into your neighbor.
There is a balance. Lead when led to do so. Be led when led to do so. Trust you. It's up to us to find what works and what doesn't, but resistance cuts the dance party short. I am doing my best to be attentive to the flow, to appreciate the flow and to feel the flow. Holding is for your hands in this dance, not for the flow. It is, after all, flow, and flow cannot be held. Experience it without attachment. Flow is constant. It will return, or at least, more accurately, it will seem to magically reappear. The real magic is that it is always there for us to consider, to tap into, to dance to whenever we want. We can, at the very least, always just tap our toes to the rythm, right?
Hey! I think I hear them playing my song. May I have this dance? C'mon. It'll be fun.
Alex Award
5 years ago